How to edit a user's role

How to change the roles and permissions associated with a user.

Updated over a week ago

If you need to change the access levels for an existing user, such as making someone a manager or administrator, you can do so by accessing via the Administration User report.

  1. Begin by logging in to your Go1 Platform as an administrator.

  2. Select your avatar from the main navigation, followed by Administer

  3. From the Administration dashboard, select the tab: Users

  4. From the Users report, locate the user whose permissions you wish to change.

  5. Select the drop-down arrow next to their name

  6. From the list of options show, select Edit

  7. A window will popup with the details of that user

  8. You can change the user's roles by selecting and deselecting the Role checkboxes.

  9. Remember to select Save to apply the changes you have made

A user can have more than one role (such as Learner and Manager), however, please note that a Content Administrator has similar permissions to an Administrator, so a user can be either an Administrator or a Content Administrator, not both.

A full outline of the roles and their associated permissions can be found here.

Note! It is possible to remove the Administrator role from your own account by following the steps above. If this accidentally happens, please ask a fellow administrator of your Go1 Platform to return you to your original role, or reach out to our friendly support team for further assistance.

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