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Data feed setup guide for IT

Need to know how to setup data feed? Find out here.

Updated over a week ago

Step-by-step instructions to set up data feed:

Customer Pre-work

  1. Meet with your Implementation Project Manager and confirm report fields

  2. Prepare report in HR system

  3. Prepare delivery tool (command line or similar)

Data feed setup

1. Inform Go1 that you would like to set up a user data feed service.

2. Go1 turns on the data feed service for your portal.

3. Log into your portal as an administrator and navigate to the integrations > data feed screen.

4. Upload a CSV with the fields you will be sending Go1 in preparation for data mapping (please see Setup FAQ help guide)

5. Data Mapping - map the Go1 fields to the fields in the CSV file you have uploaded. Once you complete the mapping click done.

6. You are greeted with the option to authorise the Go1 data feed

7. (Administrator access required for this step) Please enter your log in details when prompted and click the button to approve authorisation.

8. Now your AWS credentials will appear on screen. You can copy your S3 bucket path and key pair from the portal to save somewhere safe to use or pass to your IT team.

9. Now you are ready to add the new AWS S3 bucket location and new key pair to the data feed process on your side - this might be something you can do or it might be something for your IT resource to update.

10. Your new data feed service is all set up! You are ready to send us your data feed files.

Send my data feed file to Go1

Sending data from my HRIS

You can send data from several popular HRIS to the Go1 data feed. Please speak to your implementation manager if you have any queries about compatible HRIS.

When sending data from an HRIS you will need the same credentials as listed below: Access Key, Secret key and bucket path/url. Depending on the HRIS you may need to include a shortened version of the url listed below such as: s3-go1-user-datafeed-production/{{portal_id}}

Sending data via AWS CLI

Note: please replace the portal_id in 3 places below {{portal_id}} with the portal_id you’re working with.

It's recommended by the team to use AWS CLI.

3. For the preferred zone, it does not matter when we use S3, but you can choose ap-southeast-2 for Sydney.

Note: Your access key doesn't have permission to list the S3 bucket content, hence this command won’t work:

aws s3 ls s3:// s3-go1-user-datafeed-production/{{portal_id}}

Follow the instructions above to upload files to your folder in the S3 bucket.

For example this command could be used to upload the file list.csv to your folder in S3 (please change the file name and path accordingly):

aws s3 cp C:\Example\list.csv s3://s3-go1-user-datafeed-production/{{portal_id}}/

And this command to download your list in S3 bucket to local:

aws s3 cp s3://s3-go1-user-datafeed-production/{{portal_id}}/list.csv C:\Example

***First upload recommendation***

It is recommended that your very first data feed file uploaded to the service is a snapshot of your portal at present (including inactive users who may become active again in the future). If you are an existing Go1 customer please reach out to your contact at Go1 if you have not already to get some help with the very first upload.

If you are a new customer who does not have a populated portal yet then you can proceed as normal to upload your first file.

For FAQs on any of these setup steps please see the Setup FAQ help guide.

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