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Add and manage users through a data feed
Add and manage users through a data feed

Use the Go1 data mapping tool to manage the users on your Go1 Platform

Updated over a week ago

Maintaining accurate employee records can be challenging for L&D, HR, and IT teams, and this challenge only grows when using several systems and platforms.

To reduce the maintenance overhead required to manage the users within your Go1 Platform, we are pleased to offer a data mapping tool (available by request).

This tool allows an organization to update user details in their Go1 Platform to match the data held in their organization's system. It automates adding new users, blocking old users, and updating the details against individual Go1 user account profiles.

If your IT team will be assisting with this process, please ask them to refer to the following guide: Data feed setup guide for IT.

Before we begin

The first step is to understand if there is any additional information from the data source you will be using to be stored against the users in your Go1 Platform. 

If it is determined that additional information does need to be captured, custom profile fields can be added to your Go1 Platform by your Customer Success Manager.

Custom profile fields are a means of capturing organizational information, such as role, department, office, or region, against the individual users within your Go1 Platform, with the ability to then segment reporting based on those values. 

Please talk to your Go1 Customer Success Manager to discuss the establishment of your user data feed integration and to determine if the use of custom profile fields is right for your organization.

Getting started

Once the data mapping tool has been added to your Go1 Platform by your Customer Success Manager, you will need a test file of your user data. You can download a template from your Go1 Platform or use a file extract from your organization's database.

Downloading a user data template from your Go1 Platform

  1. Select your user account icon from the top navigation, followed by the menu item Administer. From the Administration dashboard, select the tab Users: this will take you to Administer > Users report, a list of all of the users on your Go1 Platform. 

  2. Select the more button (...) from the top right of the Users tab, followed by Import
    From the Upload file popup, select the link: Click here to download sample .csv file.

  3. A .csv file will download to your computer. Open the file in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel, and input some test records. 

The records can be dummy data, but the layout of the file needs to be accurate. It also needs to be in an excel CSV UTF-8 file format.

Create mapping rules

Navigate to the data mapping tool by clicking on your user account icon from the top navigation, followed by Integrations > User Data Feed.

Click to Get Started. You will be taken to a page prompting you to Select file. Upload the test user data file that you have pre-prepared to the file field on this page. 

Note: This will not add the users or data to your Go1 Platform; this is for mapping purposes only.

Once the .csv file has uploaded, the page will then transition to Create mapping rules. Use the dropdown boxes to confirm which fields on the Go1 Platform (left side) equate to which columns from your .csv (right side). 


You can choose to include a Status column within your .csv and map it to the Status column in your Go1 Platform.

If you include this column, you must include a value for each user within your file. Enter the value 1 for active users and 0 for inactive users.

If you don’t map the Status field from your Go1 Platform to a column from your .csv, all users in the file will be active, meaning that they will be able to log in to your Go1 Platform and complete learning activities. 

The tool will mark users who were created via the user data feed as inactive if their records do not appear in the next user data file.


To manage user roles via the data feed, ensure your data file contains a column which specifies the roles associated with each user in the following the standard Go1 format:


The tool will automatically mark a user as a manager if their email address is included in the Managers column against any user in your data file.

The data mapping tool merges roles between file and existing roles of users, meaning that if a user is marked as an Administrator via the Go1 Platform interface, they will remain as an Administrator regardless of the roles listed within the user data feed, and they will also have any roles specified for them within the data file.

Please note: All users are Learners.

Please speak to your Customer Success Manager if you need clarification on the Go1 Platform fields.

Connect your data source

Once you are happy with the mapping, press the Next button from the bottom right-hand corner, and you will be taken to the AWS Connection Details. 

These details need to be provided to your IT team as they tell them where to send the exported file (referred to as a 'Bucket') from your database. You will not be able to access the Secret Key once you navigate away from this page - make sure you copy the Secret Key and paste it somewhere safe!

Once you have copied the details provided to a safe place, select Done. You are now ready to test your data mapping rules by sending a data file to the bucket.

You're all set!

Your setup is now complete on the Go1 Platform. You have created a ‘bucket’ in an online folder, where you can now send user data files at your discretion. You have also set the mapping rules that dictate how your file's information corresponds to the user account fields in Go1. 

It's now up to your IT team to push data (in the format as the example .csv) to this bucket. As soon as a file appears in your dedicated bucket, our system will import the data it contains, based on the mapping rules you have dictated. Therefore, you need to control who has access to the access and secret keys for your bucket to prevent unwanted data from being added to your Go1 Platform.

If you need to edit your data mapping at a later time, you can do so via the User Data Feed settings. Find out more about managing your data feed.

What's the next step?

Please contact your Customer Success Manager for assistance. For any questions regarding the management of users in your Go1 Platform in the meantime, please reach out to our friendly 24/7 support team through our live chat.

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