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Search Tools - Mobile-Friendly Filter
Search Tools - Mobile-Friendly Filter

Find content which is compatible with mobile devices on MyGo1 and Go1Learn

Updated over a week ago

The Mobile-friendly filter makes it easy for you to identify content compatible with mobile devices.


To access the filter, navigate to 'All filters', select 'Mobile-friendly'.

Toggle the button to filter search results by mobile friendly content.


To access the filter, navigate to 'More filters', select 'Mobile-friendly'.

Toggle the button to filter search results by mobile friendly content.


What makes a piece of content mobile-friendly?

Generally, content is deemed to not be Mobile-friendly where the content has:

  • External links which launch in a new window

  • Interactive content which launches in a new window

  • A video type which is Vimeo or YouTube format

  • Downloadable content

Inversely, generally content is deemed to be Mobile-friendly where the content has:

  • Text type content

  • A mp4 video type

  • Audio type content

Is it available via our API?

Yes, it is available on our Stable v3 API as a boolean field:


What's the difference between mobile-friendly and mobile optimized?

Mobile friendly indicates that the content is compatible with mobile devices, whereas mobile optimized is content which has been designed specifically for the mobile experience.

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