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Go1 Platform Settings

How to configure the settings for your Go1 Platform

Updated over a week ago

Portal Information Tab

  • Portal Name: How you'd like your portal to be Title.

  • Sign Up Message: The message users see when signing up on this portal.

  • Privacy policy: Any company privacy policy to add. 

  • Terms of Service: Any company Term of Service updates

  • Alternative URL Login: User will be redirected to here when accessing your portal. E.g:

  • After logout redirect user to URL: User will be redirected to here after logging out from your portal. E.g:

  • Company Location

  • Timezone

  • Company Industry

Theme Tab

Create a familiar, branded experience by uploading company images in the Theme tab.

  • Login Logo - Logo that will appear on the login page

  • Login Background - Background Photo that will appear at Login Screen

  • Dashboard Icon - Icon that will appear in the upper hand corner. 

  • Dashboard Image - Image that displays at the top of the Dashboard, above your welcome message

  • Welcome Message: Your welcome message will be displayed immediately upon logging in for any users. This message can be utilized to direct users to their learning tab or how to begin their courses etc. The existing Welcome Message will be shown but you can overwrite this to accommodate whatever you please. It is important to note that the Welcome Message is to not exceed 100 words. (Notes: If you want to delete the welcome message, just select all, click delete and then click enter, then scroll down and click save to save the changes)

  • Portal Color - Select the overall color for all buttons etc. on portal

Image specifications for the new theme and customization settings

  • Logo

    • For best results, upload your logo with minimum dimensions as 200x200px over a transparent background.

  • Featured image

    • Used in sign up and login pages. For best results, upload an image with at least 1000px in height. The image can be repositioned to fit the intended 1:1 ratio.

  • Dashboard image

    • Used as the featured image in your dashboard. For best results, upload an image with minimum dimensions of 1920x300px.

  • Dashboard icon

    • Used as the logo in your dashboard. For best results, upload an image with minimum dimensions of 100x100px over a transparent background.

  • Signature

    • For best results, upload an image with minimum dimensions of 100x100px over a transparent or white background.

Completion Certificate 

  • Where you can upload an image of your signature to be used on completion certificates for you learners. Optional. 


How to disable the completion certificate.

In the portal navigate to Admin > Settings > Configuration.

Scroll to the bottom and uncheck the last box, "enable completion certificates".

Submit your changes.


Configuration Tab

Configuring your portal settings can allow or remove optional portal displays within your system. 

From here, portal elements can be enabled/disabled:

  • My recent courses - Continue learning / next assigned courses can be enabled/disabled from user dashboard

  • Account Activities and reminders that sit on the dashboard

  • Suggested courses for you - enables/disables recommended course block from user dashboard

  • Invite User option 

Enabled Applications: Ability to allow users to select Create Account when they arrive at your portal login page. 

Also you can choose to Enable/disable the Go1 Marketplace.

Content Administrator Permissions

  • If your portal has content administrator as role - you can give them specific permissions. 

User Menus: Enable/Disable payment options for individual users.

Payment: Allow for the application of various payment options. These can enable users to request course purchase by their manager or portal administrator.

Course Authors: Author names will appear below each course or learning resource. These features can both enable/disable author name below courses, but can also provide all users with the ability to create content.

Course Layout: Configure the way you would like to be able to navigate between learning items and modules within courses.


  • Here you can update your teams learning interest areas. To learn more click here.  

Portal Content Selection Tab

This tab will determine what kind of content you can see on the explore page. To learn more click here

Notifications Tab

This tab determines what kind of notifications are sent out from the portal. To learn more about notifications, click here

Plan and Billing (Tab only Visible to Go1 Customers, not Content partners)

This section can assist in reviewing your current subscription status and user license availabilities. You can access information on how many users you can add within your license or perhaps request to upgrade your current plan.

Portal Settings > Plan and Billing

Setup Account Tab

This tab gives you an outline and plan on how to create and modify a great portal. Feel free to follow this map if you're a little stuck on how to create a great looking portal. 

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