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Updating your Premium/Marketplace Topics
Updated over a week ago

Step-by-step process to update topics with content that is already added to the Premium or Marketplace. This guide depict the process for updating a Premium item, however the process to update Marketplace is exactly the same. 

  1. Log in as a content author and open the content editor.

  2. Click on the 'Visibility and Access' button on the top right-hand side of the editor. This will open the visibility and access modal.

  3. In the 'Current Access' section, you can see the Premium. Click on the that. 

Alternatively, you can click on the 'Premium' pill on the content editor page.

4. This will open another modal for 'Update the Topics'. 

5. Click on (X) in front of the existing selection. This will take you to the Level-1 topic selection page.

6. Select 1 'Level-1 Topic' from the list. It is mandatory to select 1 level-1 topic. You can single click to select a topic. 

7. You can cancel this selection by clicking on (X). If you cancel the selection you'll be taken back to the list of Level-1 topics.

8. After selecting a level-1 topic you'll see a list of level-2 topics.  At this stage, you can cancel this topic selection by clicking on (X) in front of the topic name. If you cancel the selection you'll get to see the list of Level-1 topics.

9. Select 1 'Level-2 Topic' from the Level-2 topics list. It is mandatory to select 1 level-2 topic. You can single click to select a topic. 

10. You'll see a list of level-3 topics (if there are any level-3 topics) after this action. You can cancel this topic selection by clicking on (X) in front of the topic name. For Level-2 topic having associated Level-3 topics; if you cancel the selection of Level-2 topic you'll be taken back to the list of Level-2 topics.

11. You'll see the 'Update' button If you select a Level-2 topic that doesn't have any associated Level-3 topics. 

12. Select 1 'Level-3 Topic' from the Level-3 topics list or you can click on "SKIP" button at the bottom of the list. Selecting a level-3 topic is optional. You can single click to select a topic. 

13. Once you select 1 Level-1, 1 Level-2 and an optional Level-3 topic and once you are happy with the selection; you can click on the "Update" button. This action will populate topics with your learning object.

Note: You can update the topics if your LO is already in Premium or on its way to Premium.

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