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How to update enrollment status
How to update enrollment status

Understanding how the enrollment update procedure works

Updated over a week ago

As an admin. there are cases where you need to manually update the enrollment status of users, but you are not sure how to do it. Go1 makes sure that admins can effectively manage/update users’ enrollments so it will not cause any problems in reporting.

We have two ways of updating the enrollment status in the portal:

A. Bulk update via CSV import – only works for new enrollments and assigned status whether it is shared content (premium, marketplace) or your own published content.

B. Manual individual updating via enrollment page - - this procedure works for learning items you published in your portal, course level, and standalone learning items are supported. Shared courses (marketplace and premium) are not supported.

B.1 Manual update via course report

B.2 Manual update via enrollment report

B.3 Manual Update via the new manage feature

How to update enrollment status via CSV import (Procedure A)

1. If the user's status is 'Assigned' or not even enrolled in the course, you can import the completion doing the procedure as shown in the article How to import historical enrollment records

2. If the user's current status in the course is in progress, not started, pending CSV update won't work.

How to individually update enrollment status? (Procedure B)

If it's your own published content, and the current status is in progress, not started or completed, you can easily update the enrollment status via course report as explained in this article How to change/update course status. Please note that this procedure won’t be available if the current enrollment status is ‘assigned.’ You might need to use ‘procedure A’ instead.

How to update enrollment via the new manage page

This procedure only works for the learning items you published in your portal whether it's a course level or standalone learning item.

An additional feature that can ease your managing tasks is the ability to re-enroll users in a course. This is commonly used if you have a course that should be retaken annually. In this procedure, as shown in this article, How to enroll and re-enroll users via course report
Note: This feature works for course level only (premium or your own published course).

Please keep in mind that manual and bulk updating enrollment status is not applicable at the award level. In order to update award completions, you need to update the user's completion in individual content added to the award, and the award status will automatically update.

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