25 articles
Creating courses, modules & new learning itemsLearn how to create courses and learning items within Go1 Platform
Create Standalone Learning Item: AudioHow to Create Standalone Learning Item: Audio
Create Standalone Item: DocumentHow to create Standalone Item: Document
Create Standalone Learning Item: InteractiveHow to Create Standalone Learning Item: Interactive
Create Standalone Learning Item: LinkHow to Create Standalone Learning Item: Video
Create a Standalone Learning item: Text ResourceHow to create a text resource - to be updated with new editor soon.
Create Standalone Learning Item: VideoHow to create standalone learning items.
Create AssignmentsHow to create assignments
Creating eventsHow to create an event within a course, including specifying date and location
Create a QuizHow to create a quiz
How to Add Questions to your QuizHow to add different questions to your quiz
Updating your Premium/Marketplace Topics
Setting up certificatesManage the course certificate display for your Go1 Platform.
Recognize existing enrollmentsHow course authors can recognise the learners course progress in courses with reused standalone learning item
Edit Course Details TabEdit image, price and details
How to publish and unpublish your standalone itemsApplicable to Standalone; Document, Link, Interactive & Video
Applying, Checking and Emails about Due Dates to a courseHow to create a course with a due date applied, how to check your due dates and learning about the email reminders involved.
Publish and/or Unpublish your courseManaging your courses
Setting up Module Completion RulesLearn how to add completion rule for modules
Editing new Learning ItemsThis article explains what Learning items are, how to edit and delete them in a course.
Re-using existing contentHow to reuse available content on your portal, to quickly create new courses.
Adding more than one event?You can create multiple events in a course or one event with different dates/locations.
Editing Courses: Content attributesCapture additional attributes for standalone learning items and courses
What are events?Overview of what an event is, in the GO1 platform.
How to create an AwardHow to create awards