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Navigating your dashboard

Learn how to navigate the homepage of your Go1 Platform

Updated over a week ago

After you create your Go1 Platform, you will arrive at your Dashboard. 

  • Every time you log in, you will land on the dashboard. 

  • From the dashboard, you can navigate to all areas of the system.

  • You can always come back to the dashboard - by selecting the logo/icon in the top left corner of the page.  

Top navigation:

Admin view:

  • Search bar: sits on the top navigation (visible from all pages within the platform). It expands when you begin searching. 

  • Explore and Groups: key functions available from the left side of the top navigation. 

You’ll find tabs in the top right of your page: 

  • My Learning: This page allows users to find all learning they have enrolled into or has been assigned to them, plus a list of completed learning. 

  • My Team: This page summarises the activity of a manger's team, so to enable better tracking of learner activity against their goals.

  • My Teaching: This page features a list of student submissions that need the tutor to mark. It also contains a list of content created on the portal. 

  • Notification bell: Discussion and notes. 

  • Profile picture / initials: This contains a drop-down menu leading to other functions on the portal. 

You will also see standard welcome message at the top of the page (which is editable). 

Lower portion of dashboard:

The first time you log in you will also see:

  • A prompt to complete your personal learning profile 

  • Account activities and reminders (can be switched off from settings)

  • Invite user option (can be switched off from settings)

Once you begin learning the dashboard will update  - so you can also see in the middle of the dashboard and overview of:

  • Content your started learning and should continue

  • Next assigned learning

  • Recommendations  tailored to your topics

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