Microsoft Viva Learning is the center for learning in Microsoft 365 where people can discover, share, recommend, and learn from content libraries like Go1.
Easily search for and share learning content in Microsoft Teams chats with groups or individuals.
Organize custom selections of learning content within Teams channels and tabs.
Discover learning content across the Microsoft 365 suite - in Office.com, Microsoft Search, and SharePoint.
Implementation process
Go1 portal setup:
Go1 portal created
If you do not have a Go1 portal created already then your Go1 Implementation Project Manager will be able to create a dedicated portal for you.
This portal URL will be the host URL that you’ll use when setting up the integration.
Admin account created
If you do not have admin access to the Go1 portal; your Go1 Implementation Project Manager will be able to provide you admin access to the Go1 portal.
Developer keys
If you already do not have the client ID and client secret key for the Go1 portal; follow these steps to get the developer keys
Login to Go1 portal as an admin
Access Integration from right hand side vertical menu
Select developers option
Create a Developer app
Copy client ID and client secret
Content shared
If content from the Go1 content library is not already shared with your Go1 portal; your Go1 Implementation Project Manager will be able to share the content with your portal as per your contract with Go1.
Notifications turned-off
As an administrator on the Go1 portal, you should be able turn off the Notifications feature.
How to manage portal notification settings
Setting up the integration:
As an admin on Microsoft 365, login to Microsoft 365 Admin Centre
Select Viva Learning option under Services tab. Once you select this on the right hand side you can see all the content provider options.
Select Go1.
If you have already integrated your Viva instance with Go1, you’ll see the records of the last sync.
For the new integration setup provide: host URL (Callback URL from the Go1 portal), Client ID and Client secret.
You can click on the Learn how to add Go1 to Viva Learning for more instructions.
Save integration. This will sync the content from Go1 in the Microsoft Viva instance.
How does the new content get synced within Viva?
The content sync is automated. Go1 content library is synced once every 24 hours; which sync all new learning items within Go1 into Viva.