Your guide to setting up and accessing learning from within your Microsoft Teams app. Need some additional support or want to provide feedback? Contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
8 articles
About the Go1 app for Microsoft TeamsFind, consume, and discuss learning resources in the flow of work, within Microsoft Teams
Installing the Go1 app for Microsoft TeamsHow to get started with the Go1 Microsoft Teams app - with your Microsoft Admin
Go1 Microsoft Teams App for Team OwnersAn overview of the functionality of the Go1 Microsoft Teams app for Team Owners
Go1 Microsoft Teams App for LearnersAn overview of the functionality of the Go1 Microsoft Teams app for Learners.
Tracking learning content consumed in Microsoft Teams in your LMSLink an existing Learning Management System that your organization uses
What if I'm an existing customer, will all my content be available?I already use Go1. When I integrate, will I see all of my content or only the Microsoft teams curated package?
What if you can't find what you need?Having troubles finding what you need? Contact us about anything related to the Microsoft Teams app at [email protected]
Understanding Security Permissions for the Go1 Learn App on Microsoft TeamsUnderstand what the permissions mean for you, and the use of the Go1 Microsoft Teams app