How to share groups to your portal
Updated over a week ago

New feature: Sharing Groups to your portal. This new feature enables you to define Groups and wither public or private on your portal. 

When a group in shared to your portal, all members of the portal will be able to find the Group and access the content within that Group. 

  • Users will find the Group within their Group Explore and join it. Whereas a private Group is only accesible by members added to it 

Part 1 : Sharing your Group to the current portal 

  1. Inside the Group edit mode -> select the 'visibility and access' button in the top right 

  2. The 'Visibility and access' modal popup will show the Group by default is shared with "This Group" (which means its Private)

  3. To make it public on the portal, select the 'Add' button next to 'This Portal' option (refer to image below)

  4. Now see 'This Portal' option is selected in the 'Current Access' section

Tips and Tricks: 

  • Portal Admins and Content Admins can share the groups (created on their portals) to their portal. 

  • Group Owners can share their groups (groups that are created by them) to their current portal. 

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