What are these Insights?
Skills and Content Insights helps admins track the skills employees are developing through learning activities. It provides a data-driven view of top skills, learning engagement, and industry trends to support informed learning strategy decisions. Content Insights show employee sentiment through the star ratings they submit after completing content.
Changing the time period
By default, the Insights are for the last complete quarter.
Admins can use the time period dropdown to change the view to other quarters or months, including the current partial period.
Top skills in your organization
How are the top skills determined?
Top skills are derived from employee learning activity. This includes premium content and content an organisation has created. Go1 automatically tags all content with up to seven skills. When an employee engages with content, those skills are tracked to generate insights.
Understanding the metrics
Each skill in the top skills table includes:
Learners: The number of unique learners who engaged with content related to the skill.
What does unique learner mean? If a learner engages with multiple pieces of content all tagged with a skill, they are only counted once for that Skill's 'Learners' metric.
Average Minutes: The average time spent per unique learner on content related to the skill.
Average Minutes vs. Industry: A comparison of the average minutes organization's learner engagement against industry averages.
Exploring More Skills
Admins can expand the Top Skills list from the top five skills to the top 50 by clicking “View More”.
Filtering by Learning Type
Admins can filter skills based on learning type:
Upskilling: Learning that develops new skills.
Compliance: Regulatory or workplace-required learning.
Note: This filter uses machine learning to infer and serves as a guide rather than a definitive classification.
Finding Relevant Content
To discover more content linked to a skill:
Hover over a skill row.
Click the search icon.
This will take you to the search feature in Go1 Learn, automatically running a keyword search for the skill.
You can review the content and choose to add to your library or save for later.
Viewing Skill Details
Admins can dive deeper into specific skills:
Click on a skill name.
This opens the Skill Detail Page, showing:
Engaged Content: The premium and organization-created content employees interacted with. The number of learners, average minutes, and employee ratings are from the selected time period.
Sorting Options: Sort by number of learners or average minutes.
Learner Engagement: View the list of employees who engaged with the content.
Captivating Content: A list of popular premium content in the industry for the selected skill.
Taking Action on Content
For every piece of content on the Skill Detail page, Admins can hover over the Skill to:
Save content to their learning list.
Add content to their library for wider employee access.
Remove content from the library.Industry Insights: Top & Emerging Skills
Industry trend insights
Below the Skills insights within the organization, there are Industry-wide Skills insights. For both industry skills tables, admins can use the search icon to find relevant content.
Top Industry Skills
Displays the top 10 skills in your industry over the last complete six months.
Uses a popularity score to rank skills based on employee engagement across all organizations in the industry.
Emerging Industry Skills
Shows trending skills with the highest growth in learner engagement over the previous six months.
Helps admins identify up-and-coming skills to consider for learning programs.
Note - industry can be changed from Settings in the MyGo1 main menu. Select Portal information and navigate to the Company Industry dropdown. Any changes will immediately be reflected on the Insights page.
Switching to Content Insights
Admins can toggle between Skills Insights and Content Insights at the top of the page.
Summary Tiles
Average Rating: Average star ratings from employees for content in the selected time period.
Total Ratings Submitted: Number of star ratings in the selected time period.
Number of Rated Content Items: The number of pieces of content given a star rating in the selected time period.
Each tile includes a percentage change indicator comparing it to the previous period.
Content Ratings List
Displays which pieces of content were rated by employees in the selected time period.
This includes the average rating, number of ratings, content provider, and preview image.
The list is sorted automatically by the number of ratings.
Note - the time period selection stays the same when toggling between Skills and Content Insights.