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Notifications - Customization & Rules

How do I customise notifications and what are the rules that trigger certain notifications.

Updated over a week ago

In this tutorial, you will learn how to customize the copy within the email notifications sent from your Go1 Portal and discover the rules that trigger reminder notifications to be generated by the portal.

To begin, head to the Settings page via the drop-down under your name on the top right-hand side of the page.

Once you have located the Settings page, you will see the option to click on the Notifications tab on the left-hand side of the page.

Enabling and disabling emails

From the notifications page you have the ability at this point to toggle notifications on or off for your portal. Locate the Send emails from portal setting at the top of the page.

  • Choose YES to send email notifications to users based on triggers that happen from that moment onwards

  • Choose NO to stop emails from sending to your users

You can also disable individual email notifications by browsing the table of email notifications and deselecting the checkbox for the email you wish not to send.

Editing emails

Go1 Platform includes the ability to enable, disable, or customize the copy within email notifications relating to assigning learning, upcoming due dates for learning, the expiry of award completions, and event reminders.

To edit the copy of an email, select the Edit button for that email trigger from the table of emails on the Notifications page.

A window will pop up showing the copy within that email notification. From this window you can adjust the subject line, email body, or enable or disable the email from sending. Remember to select Save to apply any changes you make within this window.

Please note: you cannot adjust the email notifications specific to one piece of learning or group, the email settings apply to your entire Go1 Portal.

On some Go1 Portals, you can also customize the welcome email generated for users when they are registered or invited to join that portal. If you require the ability to customize the welcome email and your Go1 Portal doesn't currently have that option, please contact your Customer Success Manager further assistance.

Email Tokens

You may find that you need to customize your email with tokens to further personalize your template. The following Tokens are available for use.

  • !learner_first_name

    • This will bring in the Learner's First Name

  • !learner_mail

    • This will bring in the Learner's email

  • !course_name

    • This will bring in the specific name of the Course your Learner will or has interacted with

  • !course_url

    • This brings in the URL of the course for easy accessibility for the end user

  • !portal_name

    • This brings in the name of your Go1 Portal

      • The name of your Portal can be found under the Portal Information tab of your Settings

  • !portal_image

    • This will bring in the image that you've set as your portal image in the Portal Settings

      • Note: If you want to use the portal image, you need to use the image button from the toolbar and add the token !portal_image in the URL section. It will show as "broken" in preview mode, but when the user receives the notification, it will show the image.

The system has reminder email notifications based on due dates and expiry dates. These due dates cannot be customized and are based on the following rules:

  1. Upcoming Due Date/Expiry Date: Email will be sent 75% of the way towards the date. i.e. if a due date/expiry date is a year away, the upcoming reminder notification would be sent at 9 months

  2. The Due Date/Expiry Date: Email will be sent the day of. 

  3. Passed Due Date/Expiry Date: Email will be sent 2 days after.

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