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Create Standalone Learning Item: Video

How to create standalone learning items.

Updated over a week ago

A video can be created as a Standalone LI within you portal to further enhance your training program or it can be an item re-used across your courses. 

To begin, select a learning item for creation

  1. Login to the portal as an Admin user.

  2. Go to 'My Teaching' section and then to the 'Resources' section.

  3. Click on the 'Create' button on the left-hand side of the screen. 

  4. You'll get to see learning-items to select. 

Creating a Video type:

Once in the edit mode you will see this screen and you can add/update the following fields:

  • Add Cover Image: Content Author can upload or drag and drop a cover image that can be in .png, .jpeg.  

  • Add Title: Content Author can add title or name for the content in this field.

  • Add a description to the learning item.

Adding a video - There are two ways you can add a video

Option 1) Upload a video file (.mp4)- 

  • Upload a .mp4 in the 'Upload a file'.

  • You'll get to see the progress of file upload in this field till the upload is 100% done.

  • After the uploaded file is processed you'll get to see the 'preview' which is the first screen of the uploaded video file.

 Option 2) Add a link URL. 

  • Add a link to YouTube or Vimeo video in the 'Link URL' field.

  • This link must start with http:// or https://.

  • The editor will display preview which is extracted after the video URL is processed.

  • Once you've added a video, you have the option to force the learner to watch the video till the end by clicking 'Force user to watch this video until the end' checkbox. This functionality hides the "Mark as Complete" button until the video has finished for Youtube videos and uploaded videos. Vimeo hosted videos do not support this feature.

Additional fields to complete:  

  • Add duration: Content Author can add duration in Days: Hours: Minutes format. If Content Author adds duration in minutes or hours; the editor will automatically convert that into Days: Hours: Minutes format.

  • Add Price: To add price select currency. For the portals having their location set to 'Australia' will get to select a field 'Include tax'. Upon selecting that field you can enter the tax in the 'Enter tax' field

  • Add language: the default language set to the language set for the portal. User can change the language by selecting them from the language dropdown.

  • Add Tags: These are the Author tags entered by the content author. This is a free field to enter and is not case sensitive. User can add multiple tags. User can delete them from the list using the "X" button next to the added tag. 

  • Add Author: When the editor is opened for the first time it gets the current Portal user set to the default user. User can delete this author using the "X" button next to the content author's name.  User can select another content author using the add field. 

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