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Create, upload, and manage effective learning content that engages your organization.
52 articles
Content Partners
Support for professional content providers contributing to Go1
Metadata Guidelines: Learning OutcomesThe skills or knowledge learners should expect to gain from completing the content
Exporting or Sharing PlaylistsAdministrators can export or share playlists in Go1Admin
Custom Content Financial RecordingLearning how to Set up your Payments reports
Content Partner InsightsContent Insights provides clarity for Content Providers on how their learning content is performing.
Content Curation ToolLearn all about the Content Curation Tool in My Playlists
How to bulk upload content to Go1A step-by-step guide to using the Bulk Uploader
Go1 Content Metadata GuidelinesMetadata guidelines for publishing to content on Go1
How to bulk update content metadataA step-by-step guide to updating the metadata for existing content using the Bulk Uploader
Publishing content using the Bulk Uploader
Content Library Updates
How to bulk update content filesA step-by-step guide to updating existing content files using the Bulk Uploader
How to see the status of your Premium contentUsing the Status Table to see the status of your content submitted to Premium (pending, accepted, rejected)
How to Create and Configure an LTI resource ( LTI v1.1 and v1.3 ) on a portal
Create a Playlist as a Go1 Content Partner
Go1 Image Quality StandardsImage quality greatly influences the learning experience on Go1. Here are some tips for optimizing image quality based on the Go1 standards.
Troubleshooting errors using the Bulk UploaderGet help resolving errors when bulk uploading content to Go1
Topics TaxonomyUnderstand Go1's topics taxonomy
Platform tips and tricks for GO1 Content Partners
Uploading and managing bespoke content
Support for L&D admins uploading bespoke content for your organization
Re-using existing contentHow to reuse available content on your portal, to quickly create new courses.
Editing new Learning ItemsThis article explains what Learning items are, how to edit and delete them in a course.
Create a Standalone Learning item: Text ResourceHow to create a text resource - to be updated with new editor soon.
Create AssignmentsHow to create assignments
How to re-upload or update interactive (SCORM) filesHow to add the new file and ensure learners are enrolled into the correct version
How to Share Content to Users or Between PortalsHow to show or hide a course in your portal or in another portal, give access to certain users only or make it visible to everyone
Create Standalone Learning Item: VideoHow to create standalone learning items.
Create Standalone Learning Item: LinkHow to Create Standalone Learning Item: Video
Create Standalone Learning Item: InteractiveHow to Create Standalone Learning Item: Interactive
Create Standalone Item: DocumentHow to create Standalone Item: Document
How to publish and unpublish your standalone itemsApplicable to Standalone; Document, Link, Interactive & Video
How to share standalone learning items with portals
How to share standalone learning items with groups
How to share learning item with users
Create Standalone Learning Item: AudioHow to Create Standalone Learning Item: Audio
How to upload learning objects into Go1A step-by-step, hands on guide
Creating and managing courses
Support for L&D admins creating bespoke courses for your organization
Introduction to course creation in the Go1 Platform
Creating Courses ErrorsHow to troubleshoot common errors when creating courses
Creating courses, modules & new learning itemsLearn how to create courses and learning items within Go1 Platform
Publish and/or Unpublish your courseManaging your courses
Editing Courses: Content attributesCapture additional attributes for standalone learning items and courses
Can I delete a course or resource?How to remove access to a course or standalone learning item
Applying, Checking and Emails about Due Dates to a courseHow to create a course with a due date applied, how to check your due dates and learning about the email reminders involved.
Setting up Module Completion RulesLearn how to add completion rule for modules
Edit Course Details TabEdit image, price and details
How to edit and update course settings in Go1A step-by-step, hands on guide
How to create a course in Go1A step-by-step, hands on guide
Creating and managing awards
Support for L&D admins creating bespoke awards for your organization
Introduction to AwardsLearn what Awards are, and common use cases.
How to create awards in Go1A step-by-step, hands on guide
How to create an AwardHow to create awards
Award Goal Types and Completion TriggersThis article aims to explain the logic and differences of award's goal types
How to delete Awards (incl courses in Awards) and Standalone items.
Creating and managing quizzes
Support for L&D admins creating quizzes for your organization
Create a QuizHow to create a quiz
How to Add Questions to your QuizHow to add different questions to your quiz