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Creating courses, modules & new learning items

Learn how to create courses and learning items within Go1 Platform

Updated over a week ago

Course creation permissions

By default, only administrators and content administrators on your Go1 Platform have permissions to access the My Teaching area, through which you can create training materials.

This can be changed by an administrator, with the ability to enable all users of your Go1 Platform to create content, via a setting within Settings > Configuration > Course Authors, then select "Allow all users to create content", followed by Save.

Creating a course

  1. Select My Teaching from the main navigation in Go1 Platform.

  2. From the overview of My Teaching, select the Resources tab

  3. From the Resources tab, select the button: + Create

  4. From the dropdown list of options, select Course.

  5. You will then see a window popup, prompting you to enter a course title.
    You can choose to also add an image and description to your course at this time, or wait until after you have developed the course structure.

  6. Once you have entered the course details within the popup window, select Create.

By default, your new course will only be visible to you. This allows you to build the course structure and finalise the course details before sharing the course to your Go1 Platform.

Course structure

Courses are structured into sections using modules. Your course can have one or multiple modules. When you first create a course, there will be an initial module within the course structure, with the placeholder name: Module 1.

7. Update default information in Module 1 with your own Title and Description, summarising the information to be contained within that module.
8. Select Done from the top right of the Edit module section to save your updates. 

Creating a module

  1. To create additional modules, select the button + Add from the top right of the course structure list, and choose the Module option from the drop-down list.

  2. Input the Module title

  3. Select Create module, or hit enter once you have input the title

Creating a new learning item 

There are two ways to create new learning items from within your course. 

Option 1:

  1. Select + Add

  2. Select an option for the learning item type from the dropdown list

  3. Then, type the title of your learning item into the field provided

  4. Select Creating <your learning item title>

  5. Your new learning item will now appear within the Course.

Option 2: 

  1. Locate the module to which you would like to add a new learning item

  2. From the bottom of that module, select the + Add Learning button

  3. Select a learning item type from the dropdown list. Note - you can type to search for a resource type from this list, e.g. typing Document will allow for you to find the Document resource type.

  4. Then, type the title of your learning item into the field provided

  5. Select Creating <your learning item title>

  6. Your new learning item will now appear within the Course.

Note: Remember to click into that learning item to upload the resource!

Consecutive learning rules

You can apply additional logic at the module level to ensure learning is taken consecutively, to build on contextual knowledge.

  1. Once you have created your modules and grouped your learning items within, navigate to the ellipsis (...) and select 'completion rules' against any module:

2. Articulate which of the remaining modules must be completed prior to unlocking the current module you are setting completion rules against.
3. You can also select the check box to ensure learning items are completed in a sequential format:

Repeat this step for each module as required.

Course settings

The settings section of your course enables you to apply additional logic to your course access and enrollments.

General Settings:

  • You have the option to disable course discussions. Course discussions are a basic forum within the course, enabling learners to converse about the learning materials.

  • Specify course authors - the users attributed as the creators of this training material.

  • Specify course assessors - users who are responsible for marking any assessable components of your course.


  • It is possible to customise your course into an "enquiry only" option, meaning that users cannot self-enrol in the course, and enquiries are sent to the email contact of your choosing.

  • If your course makes use of learning items that you have created separately, or that you have selected from the Go1 Content Hub, you can specify whether or not any existing enrollments against those learning items should be considered in relation to your learners' enrollments in your course. Find out more about reusing learning materials.

  • You can disable re-enrollment, meaning learners can only complete the course once (but can still revisit the training materials following completion of their enrollment).


  • Here you can set a course due date or completion rule, meaning that users are expected to complete the course within the specified timeframe or date.


  • Includes the ability to download the course you have created as a SCORM or xAPI file, to then upload and play within in another learning system.

Content variables (Advanced):

  • You can use content variables to add replaceable pieces of content in your course descriptions and modules descriptions.

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