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Single Sign On with Microsoft Azure
Updated over a year ago

How to enable SSO on your Go1 platform using Microsoft Azure

Azure Seamless SSO automatically signs users in when they are on corporate devices connected to a corporate network. When enabled, users will not need to enter in their passwords, or in most cases their username, to sign in to Go1. 

IMPORTANT: To enable single sign on with Azure for your Go1 platform, you need to have the Application administrator access to your organisation's Microsoft account. If you don't, you will need to ask someone with the Application administrator role to complete the connection (check with your IT Support Team to find out who this is).

To get started, sign in and navigate to the 'User' Icon at the top-right of the page and select Integrations.

Locate Microsoft Azure from the list of Add-ons and move the toggle from ‘Off’ to ‘On’.

This will enable the Microsoft 365 tab on the left-hand side of the page.

Select the tab and click ‘Connect with Microsoft’. You will then be direct to your Microsoft Azure login page where you can log in. Enter your user name and password.

Please note: If you are not an Application administrator for your organisation's Microsoft account, you will see this screen. Your Application administrator can click the first link to complete the connection.

You will then be shown this permissions screen, you will need to accept these permissions to complete the SSO set up.

Once the connection is established, all users will see an option to log in with Microsoft on your Go1 platforms login screen. They can do this by using their own Microsoft account details. 

Final configurations

Once your connection is successfully configured and tested you may also choose to enable/disable two additional settings that can be found under the Go1 platform Settings page.

To find these, go to your avatar in the top right-hand corner > choose Settings > choose Configuration from the left-hand menu > under Enabled Applications you will see the following:

  • Hide login with email option

    • This makes SSO the only option to access your Go1 platform and auto-redirects users to SSO login.

  • Disallow Register via SSO

    • Go1 enables just-in-time provisioning by default on all SSO connections, this can be disabled here.

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