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How admin can change a learner's email
Updated over a year ago

Administrators can modify a learner's email address, provided the administrator holds administrative privileges across all portals the learner is associated with (for security reasons).

Steps to change the learners email :

First login to your admin portal
Click your name on the top right -> click administer -> once you arrive in admin page -> click users tab -> search for that particular learner -> hover over the learner name -> click the arrow -> choose edit -> a popup box with edit user detail will show -> edit user email -> and click save

Once you edit and save, the learner will receive a notification via email on their original address, advising that their email address has been changed.

Email change for learners if the new email already exists in the database (From an admin point of view)

If the old/incorrect email has zero enrollment, just set the account associated with the incorrect email address to 'Blocked' in their profile settings, making the account inactive. Then, create a new account with the correct email address.

  1. To deactivate the learners account, just click your name on the top right -> click administer -> once you arrive in admin page -> click users tab -> search for that particular user -> edit -> status: blocked > save

  2. To add the new email by adding a new learner in the portal, you can follow the guide provided here:

If the old/incorrect email has an enrollment and the new email already exist in the database, please reach out to the Go1 customer support team at [email protected] or create a ticket via or just click the blue chat icon on the bottom left AND request the support team to assist with "email change and merge."

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