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Create and edit users

Administrators can create, edit and deactivate users individually, or in bulk.

Updated over a week ago

Editing a user enables administrators to change contact information including email addresses, user attributes like name, location or department, and a user’s roles and permissions.

This information is for admins using the new user management page in

For instructions on the existing user management page refer to the links at the bottom of this page.


Admins can manage users individually, and in bulk:

Import users in bulk

You can import many users via CSV file, rather than manually creating each new user.

  1. Open the menu by clicking your avatar or initials in the main navigation.

  2. From the dropdown menu that will open, select Administer

  3. Select the User tab

  4. If you already have some users and need to import more, click Export to first download a CSV of your existing users. Then you can simply add additional users to that file. This will ensure you have all the required fields and the correct formats to re-import. Alternatively, if this is your very first import, proceed to step 5.

  5. Click Import. You can click Download sample to get a CSV template to complete. The user information fields (for example Given name, Email) must remain in the order provided.

  6. Drag and drop the CSV you want to import or click Choose a file to select from your device.

  7. Click Import. The chosen file will be verified to ensure all column headers are present.

  8. Once verified, you will see the name of your file. Click Import again. Your import is now in the queue, and you will receive an email once it has been processed.

Edit users in bulk

Using the same import process for creating bulk users, you can edit user details in bulk with a CSV file. You can also use this process to deactivate or remove users from Go1.

  1. Open the menu by clicking your avatar or initials in the main navigation.

  2. From the dropdown menu that will open, select Administer

  3. Select the User tab

  4. Click Export to first download a CSV of your existing users.

  5. In the downloaded CSV, change the details for any users you wish to edit. The user information fields (for example Given name, Email) must remain in the order provided.

    Note: to deactivate users simply update their Status to INACTIVE in your CSV file. Once you have deactivated the users, they will no longer be enabled to log in to their account and can no longer access any learning content or reports in Go1.
    Save your edited CSV ensuring it is still a .csv format.

  6. Click Import.

  7. Drag and drop the CSV you want to import or click Choose a file to select from your device.

  8. Click Import. The chosen file will be verified to ensure all column headers are present.

  9. Once verified, you will see the name of your file. Click Import again. Your import is now in the queue, and you will receive an email once it has been processed.

Create a new user

  1. Open the menu by clicking your avatar or initials in the main navigation.

  2. From the dropdown menu that will open, select Administer

  3. Select the User tab

  4. Click the Create button. A form will open to add user details.

  5. Fill in the required information. You will need to provide the following information at least:

    1. Email: User's email address. Go1 requires all users to log in using an email address. If there is a situation whereby a learner needing access cannot obtain an email address, then a free email account like Gmail can be created and used.

    2. Given Name and Family Name: This name will appear on reports and emails sent to the user

    3. Roles: All users are learners, but you may assign more permissions here by selecting another role.

    4. Managed by: Select another user as your new user’s manager. Their manager will be able to assign them learning and track their enrollments.

  6. You can complete any other fields based on your needs and then click Add to create the new user.

  7. The new user will be added to the table of users. Provided notifications are enabled for your portal, the user will receive a welcome email with login instructions automatically. The user will need to set a password within 24 hours or a new email will be needed. To re-send login instructions to that user, select the checkbox beside their name in the Users table and click the Send message button to send another welcome email.

Edit a user

You can change a user’s role or email address, assign a new manager or edit any other user details from the User tab in the Administer dashboard.

  1. Open the menu by clicking your avatar or initials in the main navigation.

  2. From the dropdown menu that will open, select Administer

  3. Select the User tab

  4. In the user table, find the user whose details you wish to change. Click the menu for this user and select Edit details

  5. The form for this user will open. Change the details in the relevant fields.

    Note: You can only change a user's email address if you are an Administrator across all portals they access. Learners can edit their own email address following these steps here.

  6. The user will receive a notification via email to their original email address, telling them that the email address associated with their Go1 user account has changed.

  7. Remember to select Save to apply the changes you have made

Deactivate or remove users

To deactivate users in bulk, follow the steps to Edit users in bulk. To deactivate a single user, complete the following steps.

Once you have deactivated the users, they will no longer be able to log in to their account and can no longer access any learning content or reports in Go1.

  1. Open the menu by clicking your avatar or initials in the main navigation.

  2. From the dropdown menu that will open, select Administer

  3. Select the User tab

  4. In the user table, find the user whose details you wish to change. Click the menu for this user and select Edit details

  5. The form for this user will open. Select Deactivated under Status

  6. Remember to select Save to apply the changes you have made

Legacy user management experience

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