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How to add Go1 as an 'OCN Provider' in SuccessFactors
How to add Go1 as an 'OCN Provider' in SuccessFactors

Configure Go1 as a OCN provider within your SuccessFactors instance.

Updated over 4 years ago

This section can be completed by the SuccessFactors Administrator on the Admin center.

Configuration steps

Step 1. Add a label for Go1 as a Content Provider in SuccessFactors

1.1 Go to Learning Administration > References > Manage Labels > Labels
1.2. Click on Add New
1.3. In the Label Type field write 'LABEL' and select 'Next'.
1.4. In the Label ID field write 'Go1', or similar identification.

1.5 This label ID is displayed as a source to the end-users, and will generate in this format: 'label.u.Go1'. You will need this in the next step to configure the OCN Properties File.
1.6. In the description, type something that will tell other Admins what this label is for
1.7. In Use By section select Both
1.8. Hit Add and a slightly different pop up appears
1.9. Move to Locales tab and select Assign to All Locales
1.10. Select 'Add':

1.11. Select 'Locales'
1.12. For each Active Locale ID at the bottom of the screen, type the identifying information captured in the Label ID field (step 1.4)
1.13. Select 'Apply Changes' and close the window

Ref: Section 3.1: Adding Open Content Network Provider Names

Step 2. Add Go1 to the OCN properties file as a new provider

NOTE: you will not be able to save the following configuration without completing all values in Step 3 too. We advise for best practice to gather all the required information for Step 2 and 3 so you don't lose your progress. Set the default import values for Learning Items below.

2.1. In Learning Administration go to System Admin > Configuration > System Configuration

2.2. Click the 'Edit' icon next to the OPEN CONTENT NETWORK

2.3. Copy and paste the following code in between any of the existing providers in the Properties File. You will need to replace some of this code as per steps 2.4 and 2.5:

# GO1 Provider




providers[GO1].baseLaunchUrl=<GO1 Portal URL>


2.4. Replace label.u.<label> with the label ID that you created in step 1.6.

2.5. Replace <GO1 Portal URL> , with your Go1 portal URL; for example:

2.6. Leave pricingModel empty

2.7. Select 'Apply Changes'.

The screenshot below shows:

  1. How the label and name will be displayed for Administrators when importing Learning Items from Go1.

  2. How “Label” is presented to end-users in SuccessFactors Learning (i.e. within the catalogue/library).

Ref: Section 3.2: Enabling a Non-Standard Open Content Network Provider
Enabling non-standard OCN

Step 3. Set the default import values for Learning Items

Configure the additional parameters in the OCN Properties File that define the default behaviour for Learning Items imported via the OCN. Choose the value that best suits your LMS setup for the following:

3.1 defaultValues.itemType[default]=<value>:

  • Go to References > Learning Activities > Item Types > Click Search. Choose an item type.

  • E.g. ONLINE or COURSE. You will need the Item Type ID of your chosen Item Type to replace the <value> above.

3.2 defaultValues.itemCompletionStatus[default]=<value>:

  • Go to References > Manage Users Learning > Completion Status > Click Search.

  • Choose Completion Status. E.g. ONLINE-COMPL or COMPLETE. You will need the Completion Status ID of your chosen Completion Status to replace the <value> above.

NOTE: Completion Status MUST be linked to the Item Type you choose in Step 3.1. You may need to enable additional columns in the search results table in order to find the correct completion status.

3.3 defaultValues.domainID[default]=<value>:

  • Go to System Admin > Security > Security Domains > Click Search.

  • Choose the default security domain where the item should be created. This will control which admin users have access to the items created.

  • You will need the Security Domain ID to replace the <value> above.

3.4 This integration requires one additional parameter; defaultValues.markCompleteOnLaunch[default]=<value>:

  • This should be set to 'false' because Go1 posts completion information back to SuccessFactors, so items should not be marked as complete as soon as a user clicks on them.

  • If you have other OCN providers set up that require Mark Complete On Launch to be true, then you will need to add a specific configuration for Go1 for this property: defaultValues.markCompleteOnLaunch[GO1]=false.

Note: Go1 passes mobile-enabled data for each content item, so the integration will ignore the MobileAccess parameter. The other properties can use the default settings unless the Admin specifically wants to change them.

Navigation for this integration

Access every article below to configure SuccessFactors with Go1:

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