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Update my welcome message
Update my welcome message

Welcome your team to your Go1 Platform through a message on your learner dashboard

Updated over a week ago

There's a simple way to welcome your team to your learning environment and give your learners a clear next step. You can do so through a welcome message on your learner dashboard, the page individuals access when they first register or log in to your Go1 Platform.

The default state

The below image is an example of the default welcome message that displays when your Go1 Platform is first provisioned. This message is meant for you as the Go1 Administrator, so it's important for you to get in there and make a change to ensure it's updated to be relevant to your learners.

The welcome message has been designed to have high contrast, with a light grey background, and the text is dark grey to align with accessibility best practices.

Setting your welcome message

Please update this message so that it welcomes your learners to their learning environment. This can be as simple as a message like "Welcome to (your Go1 Platform's name)!"

To get started with customizing your welcome message:

  1. Log in to your Go1 Platform as an Administrator

  2. Select your avatar from the top navigation

  3. Tap Settings from the dropdown menu

  4. From the Settings page, select Theme and Customization from the sub-navigation, from which you can control the branding of your Go1 Platform.

  5. Scroll down to the section titled Customize dashboard

  6. Within the Welcome message field, input a message that will provide context to your learners on where they are, the purpose of this learning environment, and offer a clear next step.

    Nothing you'd like to say? If you so choose, you don't have to specify a welcome message at all, in which case this section will not show to your learners.

  7. Once you have added your welcome message, you can make adjustments to the text formatting. Through the rich text editor available, you can format text in our Heading 2 and Heading 3 styles, bold, italicize, underline or strike through the text, add a quote, hyperlink, numbered list, bullet list, or even include a small selection of dynamic values. An example of the Heading 2, Heading 3, and normal paragraph formats can be seen below.

  8. You can also choose to upload a Dashboard image. This image will display above your welcome message and is an opportunity for you to show an element of your organization's brand. Get the best image dimensions.

    If you so choose, you can leave this image field blank, in which case this section will not show on your learner dashboard.

  9. You can preview your changes before saving by selecting the button: Preview dashboard.

  10. Remember to scroll down to the bottom of the page and select Save changes once you are happy with your updates!

Readability improvements

Please note: In the past, the welcome message overlayed over the top of the dashboard image. This created many challenges for administrators to source images and format text that looked good and was easy for learners to read.

Following a change to improve the readability and accessibility of your learners' experience, the welcome message now presents underneath the dashboard image (if you have one in place), making it far easier for your learners to read it, and for greater consistency across the other pages of your Go1 Platform. Remember, you can choose to have just a welcome message, just a feature image, both, or neitherl! It's up to you.

Branding options

To ensure we comply with accessibility best practices, the welcome message options are limited to those available through the rich text editor (listed above). For this reason, we do not support the ability to further customize the display, such as setting the text color, background color, font family, font size, or alignment.

If you would like to further control the formatting of your message to your learners on their dashboard, you could do so by adding your message to your optional dashboard image through an image editing tool, then upload that image containing the welcome text to the Dashboard image field (then removing the text from your Welcome message field to avoid any duplication).

Get further help

If you'd like some assistance, please reach out to our friendly support team through the live chat button in the bottom-right corner of your screen. We're available 24/7 to help.

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