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Insights page

View insights and feedback from your users, via the Insights page. Use this information to inform your L&D programs.

Updated over 2 years ago

A new Manager Insights page with Learner Feedback is now available to admins of Go1 Platform.

Admins are able to see what courses their learners are liking, disliking, saving, sharing, and the comments they leave in the course completion survey. They can also see reporting issues on content they have created.

The aim is to drive insights into learner preferences, by providing administrators data against individual learning resources. You can then validate the satisfaction of the learning experience of your employees, and make improvements to your learning programs.

  1. To navigate to the Learner Insights page, click on your profile icon. Then, click on the Insights tab.

2. This is the overview page which displays Learner Feedback and Saves and Shares insights at a glance. You can update the date range to view data beyond 30 days.

3. This is the Content tab. Here you can find more details about the Learner Feedback and Saves and Shares insights shown on the overview page.

4. Click on the arrow to see the comments

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