This feature is only available to Go1 Content Partners
When to Update Content Files in Bulk
Bulk updating is ideal for minor changes to your content, like:
Fixing typos or errors
Improving existing content
This ensures:
Content ratings are retained
Customers currently enrolled can complete the content without disruption
For major updates (e.g., compliance changes for new regulations), we recommend retiring old content and uploading the new version as a separate item. This will:
Start fresh with no ratings or enrollments
Notify existing customers about the content’s retirement, prompting them to enroll in the updated version
How to Bulk Update Content Files
Follow these steps to update your content files in bulk:
Step 1: Access the Bulk Uploader
Go to Content in the main menu (click your user icon).
Select the Created by my portal tab.
Step 2: Export Your Content Metadata
Choose the content you want to update by selecting the relevant titles.
Click the Export Content Metadata button to download a CSV file.
This file contains the metadata fields for the selected content.
Step 3: Open the Bulk Upload Tool
Click the Bulk Upload button.
Select Update existing content from the menu.
Step 4: Choose What to Update
Select one of the following options:
Metadata and Media: Use this if you need to update both metadata (eg. title, description) and media (eg. the video, the SCORM file)
Media only: Use this if you’re only updating media (eg. the video, the SCORM file)
Click Next to proceed.
Step 5: Prepare your Metadata CSV and Images (Optional)
Prepare your metadata CSV
Use the 'Download metadata template' to obtain a template of your existing Content on Go1
Add/update metadata to the template
If no changes to images are needed, leave the image column in the CSV blank.
Check your CSV file:
Check our metadata guidelines to understand what is expected of you
Ensure all required metadata fields are filled out - these are highlighted on the second row of the CSV template.
Make sure the LO ID matches the content you’re updating.
Click Upload Content Details to begin.
Tip: Encounter an error? Download the error report, fix the issues in your CSV, and upload it again.
Step 6: Upload your Metadata CSV and Images (Optional)
Drag your updated metadata CSV and image media (optional) to upload
When ready, click Upload to start the process.
Step 7: Review and Finalize
Once uploads are complete, you will be given a summar
If any errors occur - you can download the error report
Fix any errors, re-upload - repeating step 6
What Happens Next?
If everything is successful, you’ll see a banner confirming your content has been updated and published.
If you only updated metadata, you can exit the process at this stage.
For more details on troubleshooting errors, check our help guide here.