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Editing new Learning Items

This article explains what Learning items are, how to edit and delete them in a course.

Updated over a week ago

Before you begin:

Learning items are...

• A “Text” resource where you can enter the text required

• A “Document” resource for dragging and dropping your document or sourcing from a location within your computer. No matter the file type uploaded, documents will always be presented as a .PDF type to your learners.

• An “Interactive file” resource for uploading a SCORM file

• A “Video” resource where you can enter a URL link from Youtube/Vimeo, source from your computer or drag and drop a video file

• An “LTI Tool” option, used for integration with external learning tools.

• A “Weblink” resource for entering a full URL link

• An "Assignment" resource by allowing users to upload a document to be assessed by an assessor or admin

• A “Quiz” resource by customising a mixture of text and interactive material to assess user knowledge

• A “Fill-in-blank question,” which requires a user to type in a word or make a selection to complete a sentence.

• A “Matching question,” which requires a user to match ‘keys’ and ‘locks’ to complete.

• A “Multi-choice question,” which will provide a user with 2+ optional answers for a specified question.’

• An "Audio" resource, which allows you to upload audio files.

.MP3, .OGG, and .WAV files are supported.

To edit learning items

  1. Access Course Editing page 

  2. Select Structure tab 

  3. Select to add a Learning Item 

  4. Select the type of Learning Item  you want, and complete the title field.

View the content overview of your new Learning Item:  

  • Select Edit button 

  • You will be alerted that action is required to complete the new Learning Item

  • Add content to your Learning Item (file and image) and a description

  • Select Save 

  • Navigate back to the course structure via back button 

To delete or remove the Learning Item: 

  1. Access Course Editing page 

  2. Select Structure tab 

  3. Select Learning Item 

  4. Select Delete button

  5. See confirmation message 

  6. Select Yes, Remove

Pro-tip: Removing an existing Learning Item out of the course structure doesn't mean that the learning item will be deleted 

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