How to add or remove members from a group
Updated over a week ago

You can know mange members easily via the Members tab in the Group. As a Group Owner (or Admin), you can easily add new members via the pop-up and excitingly also the Groups creator is no longer a member of the group by default!

  1. Access a 'Member' tab from Group overview page 

  2. Select '+Add...' button (refer to Figure 1.0)

  3. Input username or email to search the user and select (you can bulk add members)

  4. Select 'Add' button on modal popup (refer to Figure 1.2)

  5. See the user(s) added to the group as group members (refer to Figure 1.3)

Figure 1.0

Figure 1.2

Figure 1.3

Removing members 

  1. From the 'Member' tab from a Group overview page 

  2. Select the 'More' (three dots) button next to member that you would like to remove 

  3. Select 'Remove' button  

  4. See confirmation popup 

  5. Select 'Remove Member' button 

  6. See the users removed out of members list

Join and Leave Group (for Learners)

If a Group is public on your portal, a learner can

  1. Select the Group 

  2. Select the 'Join' button from the group slat (user can also Select 'Leave this group' button from the group slat)

  3. Become a member of the group

Tips and Tricks: 

  • Only Portal Admins and Content Admins can add users to any groups that are created on their portals 

  • Group Owners can add users to their groups

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