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MyGo1 Dashboard

All about navigating the Go1 Platform Dashboard as a learner

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Whether you have just registered for a Go1 user account, logged in for the first time, or are a long-time learner, every time you log in you will land on your Learning Dashboard - your home within Go1.

Depending on the needs of your organization, the Learning Dashboard may look a little different, but typically this is the place from which you can see:

Learning you're already doing

Under Continue learning you will see learning in which you are already enrolled (usually meaning you've started it), and have not yet completed.

Select View all from the right side of this section, or My Learning from the top navigation to see all of your in-progress learning.

Learning you need to do

In the section titled Next in your assigned learning you will see learning that has been assigned to you by your manager or Learning and Development team, along with learning that you have scheduled for yourself.

View all will take you to the Assigned tab within My Learning, from which you can see all of the learning you have been assigned.

Featured playlists

Playlists are curated collections of content. They're a handy and insightful way of finding learning based on a particular topic or concept.

From Featured Playlists you can select to view a particular course or tap View all to browse all of the Playlists available from your organization's Go1 Platform.

Recommended for you

This section contains learning recommended by Go1 for you based on your topics of interest and the learning you have already completed.

Getting back to your Dashboard

You can return to your dashboard at any time by selecting the logo/icon from the main menu of your Go1 Platform or tapping Home from the top left menu when you're using a small screen. Find out more about the Go1 Platform navigation.

Other possible sections

The following sections may be visible on your dashboard, depending on the needs of your organization and the configuration of your Go1 Platform:

  • Interests: A summary of your current topics of interest, else a prompt for you to select topics of interest if you have not done so already

  • Activities: A list of the notifications you've received regarding your learning

  • Invite User: The ability to invite a team member to join you on your Go1 Platform by submitting their email address.

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