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Troubleshooting duplicate users created in portal
Troubleshooting duplicate users created in portal
Updated over a week ago

Some portal admin might notice unknown or duplicate user accounts, like [email protected], that don't have usernames.

FYI, scorm created users have an email that ends with your portal’s name. Here's why this might be happening:

  1. Third-Party LMS : Possibilities is that you might have added the scorm wrapper learning content to your third-party LMS, and users might have accessed the course from there.

  2. Internal uploads in same portal : In case you didnt add the learnings to any 3rd party platform, then you might have created new learnings in the portal and had content exported as scorm wrappers and then had those wrappers added back to the portal in this learnings. This caused the content consumed in a go1 portal.

  3. Scorm wrapper uploads in different portals : You might shared content between two portals, where you've exported the content from the first portal as a scorm wrapper and imported that into the second portal. The result was all of the scorm wrapper users being created.

Steps to check users related:

  1. Check Enrollments: filter learnings they are enrolled via Manage Enrollment and filter by email contains [email protected] (where xxx is your portal) - this way you can know which learnings that you have added the scorm to third party LMS.

  2. Check Users report: filter the user in your portal via : Manage Users page

    Filter based on user emails contains [email protected] (where xxx is your portal) then sort the users based on last created date check the last date they are created.

Steps to fix :

If users need to access from both third-party LMS and GO1:

Please be aware that users will automatically be created when they use the third-party LMS because of how SCORM works. This may lead to duplicate accounts that are typically identified by their email format, like [email protected].

If you confirm your users should only access learnings via the GO1 platform, you can follow below steps

  1. Remove External Content : I recommend either removing the learning content from the third-party website OR

  2. Turn Off SCORM Integration : I recommend turning off the SCORM integration by Disabling the SCORM Integration.

  3. Final steps; deactivate users created : Once this is done, you can proceed to deactivate the users that created by this scorm wrapper ie email : [email protected] by visiting Manage Users report page, filter by 'email contains [email protected]', sort by the date they were created, and deactivate these accounts.

If Problems Continue: If you keep seeing unknown or duplicate users after following these steps, please reach out to our support team by chat or email. We’re ready to help you sort this out.

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