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Introduction to Groups

What is a group

Updated over 3 months ago

What is a group?

A Group is a method of grouping users by Team or Topic to deliver learning programs to a cohort of users.

  • Groups are the preferred way to deliver programs of learning to many users, over Awards

  • Groups can be public or private

  • Groups can be restricted to ensure users cannot leave and miss assigned learning

How to get the most out of Groups

Simplify onboarding

Maintain privacy, with the option to make groups public

  • Groups can be kept private, so discussion is only accessible to group users.

  • If you prefer to have full transparency, Groups can be made public with ease.

  • Learners cannot see email addresses of other Learners within Groups, to maintain user privacy. However, Admins and Content Admins can still view Learner email addresses.

Create a group

From the Groups page, Administrators can select + Create. A display will pop up to specify a name and description for your group and upload an image that helps to communicate that group's purpose. This information will display on the list of groups and the group overview. Tap Create to generate the group you have specified.

You will be directed to the membership page for this group. You will have 3 options to choose from (more on Automated Groups at the bottom of this article):

You can now go to the Details display for that group, allowing you to adjust the group's title, image, description, and settings.

Note: By default, your new group will be private, meaning that it is only visible to the existing members of that group and you as the group's creator. You can change this setting once you have created the group.

Groups can be 'restricted' or made 'automated' by Admins to ensure users cannot leave, and miss assigned learning. This can be deselected any time by editing the Group.

Edit a group

You can access the Edit Group display for an existing group by navigating to the Group Overview, then selecting Edit.

The Edit Group page enables you to control the details and settings of your group:

Title: Specify a clear and succinct name of your group so that it's easy for members to find.

Description: Outline a brief description of the group and its purpose. Whether it be for the mandatory training required of staff within a particular department or a casual club for team members to find courses on soft skills or personal development, a description helps set the tone and outline expectations for the group members.

Image: If your group does not yet have an image, tap Upload an image to select one from your computer. The image will be automatically cropped and resized for various displays, but we recommend using a landscape rectangular image at least 200px wide, with a 2:1 aspect ratio.

Visibility and Access: Tap the Visibility and Access button to control who can see your group, either only the existing members of the group (and those added to the group in the future) or everyone on that Go1 Platform. For those with multiple instances, you can also share your group across one or more of your Go1 Platforms.

Once you have applied any changes, select Save to keep your work. You will be returned to the Group Overview.

More on Automated groups

Note: Before taking any action, please turn off group and assignment notifications. It is recommended that ALL portal notifications switched to off temporarily until you want an assignment notification to go out and if you do not want notifications to go to all learners upon group creation.

  1. Create a new group or edit an existing group

  2. Choose ‘automated’ as the group type

3. Add a rule > everyone rule

4. Don’t forget to save before exiting

5. Existing learners will all be added to the group at this time, this may take a few minutes to process.

6. Now you can turn on portal notifications and assign training to the group with or without a due date set.

7. When you add a new learner to the portal, Learner will be added to the group automatically and assigned the training and receive a notification for the assigned learning.

Automated Group FAQ:

Q: What if my group is existing and already has learning assigned to it when I turn on the setting?

A: You can turn the setting on and any learners not in the group will be added to the group and assigned any learning that is assigned to the group. If the learner had already completed the learning and the learning has not expired or has no expiry (what is this? Link to recurring training article), they will not be reassigned the learning and keep their completed status.

Q: I have more than 500 learners in my portal, will I encounter any issues?

A: No, but if you have a large number of learners in the portal (500+) and if you have portal notifications turned off, please wait for 10 minutes and then refresh the group to ensure all members have been added to the group before moving on to the next step.

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